Design Mist Architects


Best architecture firms in Bangalore

Our architects in Bangalore are based on the plan and how functionally the building can be designed, with vastu as the only major contributing factor.

Best architecture firms in Bangalore and Construction
design for a House







Best architecture firms in Bangalore

Best architecture firms in Bangalore

Our staff has the ability and criteria to develop any kind of architectural planning. we prefer large campuses, institute planning, school planning, mall planning, high-rise community planning, and all other residential planning

architecture firms in Bangalore Process

Our architect company in Bangalore offers exclusive house plans with the most innovative architects around and is among the best architects available in Bangalore.

Schematic Design

The team determines the areas, physical requirements, and relationships of all the required buildings.

Design Development

Plans and elevations revised and expanded to incorporate all the details and specifications required for construction.

Contarct Documents

The basis of contract comprising both parties' roles, responsibilities, and detailed description of the work or service.


The offering of particular prices for something that takes to move to next step.

Contract Administration

Oversight of contract lifecycle management and the tracking of counter parties, contract financials, employees, etc.

Interior Design

We believe that the interior spaces influence the users in a similar way to the building envelope.

Design Mist Architects

Design Mist is a architectural and interior design firm in Bangalore. We deal with each project in small interdisciplinary teams, involving the client as a design partner.

Contact Design Mist today if you are looking for the best architecture firms in Bangalore with a passion for excellence and personalized service, design expertise, and building projects with an eye. Our expert architects at Design Mist can assist you in constructing any type of structure in a timely and high-quality manner. 

Best architecture firms in Bangalore

House Designed By our company will be a memorable and iconic design with new thinking methods by our architects and planning process will ensure all the requirements are met accordingly

Design Mist Best Architects in Bangalore plan an house seeking all the individuals living in the house ,and their taste and style so the architectural design can be personalized accordingly, which makes the interiors and living space more comfortable to live in.

  • Design Mist Interior designers will carefully place all the elements required for an house to look good and match the tastes of the people living in the house. Our Interiors will also give design options which the clients can decide on and finalize

  • The art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from construction skills among Bangalore architects, We employ the practice of the top architects in Bangalore to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends.

  • We are one of the best architects in Bangalore. Ideally, when creating the work required for a client, architectural experts must always equally incorporate functionality and aesthetic aspects in their building design. By the twentieth century, thanks to modern technology, the boundaries of architecture were constantly expanding, and we could create new wonders every day. Unfortunately, many architects in Bangalore have neglected the aesthetics of their work over functionality. Therefore, we at “Design Mist” follow the unique differences that exist between architecture and engineering.

  • Best architecture firms in Bangalore are everywhere. Every building, like a home, school, office, hospital, and supermarket, was designed, and it is of vital importance that these buildings and ‌the environments they form, as well as the neighborhoods they form, are designed to be the best possible buildings for the client’s specific context by the best architects in Bangalore.

  • We design the exterior with trending architectural styles on market along with the materials , Best architects in bangalore also design exteriors of a building according to the client needs and requirements. We provide rendered exterior architectural designs for clients to have a look at it and finalize.
  • Design Mist Best Architects in Bangalore is one among the top Architects and Interiors and Construction for any House Design. We have experienced contractors who does the job and match our designs given by architects , and ensures there is no problem what so ever for completing the project.
  • Best architecture firms in Bangalore can serve us as a small time capsule of human history. It reveals to us human thoughts, ideas, and even our fears and worries. We can reflect all the emotions and thoughts of a human in one powerful work of art that lies ahead of us while we remain still. It reflects our culture by demonstrating who and where we belong in society through our work as top architects in Bangalore. 
  • To make buildings habitable and comfortable, we at “Design Mist” the top architects in Bangalore, must control the effects of heat, cold, light, air, moisture, and dryness and foresee destructive potentialities such as fire, earthquakes, floods, and disease.

Builders in Bangalore

At Design Mist  Best architecture firms in Bangalore, we appreciate and respect the client’s preferences for building design and architecture style and can execute buildings of all styles. Connect with our top residential architects in Bangalore or commercial architects to gain clarity.

We Design Mist create integrated fine architecture with potential customers’ comfort in mind, resulting in fantastic and attractive residential designs that have been executed flawlessly by top architects in Bangalore.

Best architecture firms in Bangalore

We know it’s never been easy to find the best architect to build your dream house, so the Design Mist team is one of the Best architecture firms in Bangalore. Factors of cost, trust, experience, performance, and reliability all come into play, and we think about the long term in terms of utility, functionality, and sustainability.

At Design Mist Architects in Bangalore, the best architectural firm, the process goes beyond spatial design. Our work as architects in Bangalore doesn’t end when the last brick is laid; it continues on for however long that building exists

Architectural design and Construction for a House

There are many importances in each of the architectural styles and are prominent across the world for their notable buildings and styles used. Neolithic Period which ranges between 10,000-2000 Bc, has gives us many major innovations in the construction field and materials.

  • We have learned domestication of farm animals, had greeted advancements and relations among humans and religion.There was community formation , which led to planning of more cautious environment which we can live and many minds were involved into architectural planning and lifestyle change and development of economy.
  • Harrapan architecture which we can find in india and pakistan currently traces back to the Indus Valley Civilisation during the neolithic period, The civilisation were known for its extremely planned settlements, urban planning with baked bricked structures and buildings, good drainage systems and hand crafted materials.
  • Mesopotamian Architecture where we used clay columns, walls from mud bricks , and use of artificial mounds, Most of the buildings were constructed in stepped manner with molds.
  • We can find structures such as pyramids and other egyptian structures in stepped rising above with large mud blocks and stones .
  • Many sculptures were carved out which made their architectural styles more evident to eye and promising and bold looking.Most of the structures built were temples , tombs , worship places and underground living tunnels.
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Best architecture firms in Bangalore

Who is an Architect?

The choice to build or not to build is not made by the architect. Others, such as individuals who own the property or represent the government, control the financial and material resources required to construct. Architects create plans that tell others what and how to build, not actual structures.

To live, eat, play, learn, worship, gather, work, rule, and shop, people need somewhere to go. These structures are the work of architects. Whether it is private or public, inside or outside, etc. Licensed professionals with specialized training in the art and science of building design architect, architects generate ideas for structures and bring those ideas to life.

As an architect, you probably won’t spend your entire life designing at a drawing board or on a computer, utilizing programs for computer-aided design architect. The architect not only spends time in the office but also travels to numerous construction sites, stays in close contact with clients, and interacts with the many disciplines engaged in the building process on a daily basis. It is crucial to have abilities like project management, site monitoring, and computer literacy.

While architects building design architect the overall aesthetic of buildings and other structures, a building design architect encompasses much more than just how it looks. Buildings must also meet the demands of the people who use them and be inexpensive, safe, and functional. When building design architect and other structures, architects take all these elements into account.

From the initial client meeting all the way to the delivery of the finished building, architects may be engaged in every stage of a construction project. Specific abilities are needed for their jobs, including designing, engineering, managing, overseeing, and interacting with clients and contractors. Architects spend a lot of time presenting their concepts to clients, building contractors, and other parties. A successful architect must be able to articulate their distinctive perspective.

They create a vast range of structures, including houses, industries, churches, business and apartment buildings, schools, and airport terminals. They build complexes as well, including urban centers, university campuses, industrial parks, and entire villages.

Sometimes, architects focus only on one aspect of their jobs. Some architects only building design architect a particular kind of structure, such as homes, schools, or hospitals. Others undertake very little design work and instead concentrate on planning, predesign services, or construction management.

The majority of their time is spent in offices, where architects typically work in a pleasant setting while talking with clients, creating reports and building drawings, and collaborating with other architects and engineers. To check on the status of projects, they do, nevertheless, frequently visit construction sites. Since deadlines frequently require late evenings and weekend labor, nearly 1 in 5 architects worked more than 50 hours per week in 2008.

Best architecture firms in Bangalore

Role of an Architect

An architect is contacted by a client, and a meeting is set up to discuss the requirements and specifications of the project. Before the conceptual building design architect is agreed upon by all parties, multiple meetings may be required. A single person cannot, however, create an entire structure; instead, civil and structural engineers work with architects to discuss technical issues and the project’s structural soundness.

Architects are involved in more than just the building design architect phase of a construction project. This article lists their duties because they are crucial at every stage of a project. By creating structures that make the most of natural ventilation and lighting while using less heating and cooling, architects can also contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency.

Architects use both their aesthetic and practical minds to develop buildings. By creating sustainable buildings that maximize natural lighting and ventilation while lowering the heating and cooling loads, they also help to improve energy efficiency. As a result, they are responsible for a variety of tasks at different project phases.

Architects are generally thought of as people who building drawings design architect, and their duties include everything related to that process. To do this, one would need to express the Architectural Design vision, conceptualize and test out several Architectural Design methods, build models and component and interface specification papers, and validate the architecture using the set of requirements and presumptions. Any skilled architect, though, is aware that the job also entails additional duties that are more political and strategic in nature, on the one hand, and more consultant-like, on the other. The skills that the architect needs to succeed are driven by these tasks. We offer a competency framework to assist managers in choosing candidates for the architect role and architects in assessing areas for their own professional development.

What is Architecture?

Architecture is a passion, a profession, and a calling in addition to being a science and a business. It has been defined as both a social art and an artistic science. The best calibre of architecture building design architect is required. Famous Roman architect and historian Marcus Vitruvius reportedly remarked that building provides “firmness, commodity, and joy.”

Designing and constructing a variety of structures to satisfy both functional and aesthetic needs is the practice of architecture. Every civilization interacts with the natural world and other cultures differently, and the structures they build reveal a lot about their customs, history, surroundings, artistic sensibility, and numerous other aspects of daily life.

Sense of location and support for all forms of human activity are provided by architecture. Architecture aids the human-made to coexist peacefully with the natural world in addition to promoting health and well-being, improving lives on an aesthetic and spiritual level, generating economic possibilities, and leaving a legacy that reflects and expresses culture and traditions.

The building design architect and other physical structures is the art and science of architecture. A broader definition frequently includes the building design architect of the entire built environment, from the micro level of building details to the macro level of town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture. “Architecture” refers to the practice of providing Architectural Design services.

Architectural design is primarily motivated by the holistically creative manipulation of mass, space, volume, texture, light, shadow, materials, program, and realistic elements like cost, construction, and technology in order to achieve an end that is aesthetically pleasing, practically useful, and frequently artistic.  This contrasts engineering building design architect, which is typically motivated by the imaginative application of mathematical and scientific ideas.

Scope of Architecture

India offers a lot of opportunities for architects. Students can look at the many employment opportunities to follow after the degree if they are pursuing a B.Arch or studying for the Architectural Design entrance examinations. One must pass admission tests like NATA in order to pursue a B.Arch (National Aptitude Test in Architecture). The Council of Architecture oversees NATA.

After earning your B.Arch., you have two options: continue your education or look for employment. Both promote the creation of specialized skill sets that improve employment chances even further. Architectural Design engineers, historians, building researchers, draughtsmen, interior designers, section engineers, technologists, art directors, contractors, inspectors, and planners are a few of the responsibilities that an architect might have in an organization.

Other master’s degrees available include those in urban design, industrial design, environmental planning, housing, regional planning, transportation planning, and urban planning, as well as master’s degrees in landscape architecture and building engineering and management.

Getting a job is the alternative after earning a B.Arch. You should pick your calling in this case based on your interests and skills. Consider the area of becoming an architect that most interests you and that you are skilled at, such as urban planning, urban development corporations, the public works department, interior design, or any other.

The growing incorporation of technology into the built environment will have an impact on building design architect in the future. Using the information gathered by the smart city, Home Architecture Design, and workplace sensors, we will be able to create a positive feedback loop that will enable us to modify our ideas to fit the rapidly evolving society we now live in.

Eco-friendly architecture

The two greatest challenges we currently face are climate change and the loss of natural resources; Architects need to address these problems and offer better solutions. One of the choices is green architecture. Reducing trash and recycling space is one of the most common ideologies behind this. This entails both using more natural energy and actual space. Examining three key factors when incorporating this style into the building design architect can help achieve this (materials, energy efficiency, and location). If you approach it more holistically, you may incorporate sustainability into the popular building design architect.

Increase in digital design

building design architect services are now accessible to almost everyone with access to technology; they are no longer just for the rich. Some businesses provide online services where designers interact with clients face-to-face but make use of internet resources for transactions, communications, and many other things. In the coming decade, these tools will grow in popularity and sophistication. As technology develops, several building design architect firms are offering 3D visualization and virtual reality services.

Vertical designing on a rise as the space is limited

The demand for land, which is getting harder to find as the world’s population rises, increases along with it. As a response to the problem of diminishing space, some architects are proposing the development of “vertical cities.” To address these expanding issues, architects will need to develop their spatial awareness. Building better Home Architecture Design for the next generation and overcoming geographic challenges are being accomplished more and more via the use of vertical farms and vertical cities. High-rise urban dwellings have advanced because of vertical cities.

Comeback of the collectibles

What was once stylish has become outmoded over the past ten years, yet antiques are, like any other fashion trend, making a comeback. Nowadays, people want their interiors to have a distinctive and individual touch. Numerous antiques are unique, and the craftsmanship is of such high caliber that modern architecture house design reproductions are hard to locate. People are therefore becoming more and more interested in collecting antiques to personalize their living and working environments.

The globe has become smaller as a result of technological progress. People now have access to styles and tastes from throughout the world. They want to use the world’s greatest building design architect to change it. The Architectural Design sector has already benefited from this change in perspective, and during the next 10 years, it is expected to grow significantly.

What is Civil Engineering?

Applying physical and scientific concepts to the building design architect, development, and maintenance of both the artificially produced environment and the naturally occurring built environment is known as civil engineering. This comprises physical structures including power plants, trains, highways, sewage systems, canals, dams, buildings, bridges, airports, and more.

Civil engineers work in disciplines including planning, budgeting, project and asset management, research, analysis, and more. Civil engineering projects might originate from the public sector, from government agencies, or from the private sector.

Both governmental and private entities hire civil engineers.

  • They create, develop, and erect buildings.
  • They create, erect, and maintain infrastructure and transportation networks.
  • They create, run, and manage systems for managing water resources.

Wherever they work, our graduates want to enhance the environment since they have a foundation in safe and effective building design architect techniques.

After military engineering, civil engineering is the second-oldest engineering subject and was developed to distinguish between civil and military engineering. As a result, there are many different sub-disciplines within the larger discipline of civil engineering.

Because of its vast scope and lengthy history, civil engineering is a profession whose advancement is strongly tied to advances in physics, mathematics, structures and construction, geography, geology, hydrology, environmental and materials sciences, mechanics, and other fields of human knowledge.

As they were recognised, scientific principles, such those created by the ancient Greek Archimedes of Syracuse, were put to use in engineering, which continues to this day with fresh developments and research.

Difference between plan of an Engineer versus plan of an Architect

Numerous thousands of individuals must labour really hard to construct a skyscraper. However, a few positions hold a unique significance. Who are we referring to? Engineers and architects, of course!

Building building design architect and construction need collaboration between architects and engineers. Their jobs frequently overlap. However, they play distinct roles. Each person is different in their abilities and duties. What function does an architect typically perform? They frequently stick to construction design. They typically focus on improving the building’s appearance. That includes how it looks and how it works.

On the other side, an engineer will assist in carrying out the building design architect. They will determine the materials to be utilised and what is physically feasible. They will also decide on matters of safety and practicability. They frequently contribute to the construction of other objects, such as machinery, roads, or bridges.

Engineers and architects play crucial roles in the planning and construction of buildings. These two categories of professionals have similar duties, but they also have different roles to play. An occupation in engineering or architecture may appeal to you if you have strong quantitative skills as well as creativity and problem-solving abilities.


  • People with formal training in planning, designing, and supervising the construction of structures are known as architects.
  • Depending on the jurisdiction, a degree in architecture, passing tests, and training are all necessary.
  • technical expertise, building design expertise, and managerial expertise
  • Government for planning the development of real estate, among other things.
  • Construction, interior design, and architecture are some related professions.


  • Engineers are in charge of using their understanding of mathematics and science to provide technical solutions to problems.
  • Before they may specialise, engineers must complete a fundamental engineering curriculum. Depending on their speciality, they must pass tests and obtain a degree.
  • Mathematics, scientific understanding, and managerial abilities
  • Jobs connected to research and development include those in business, industry, and science.

What is modern architecture?

modern architecture house design is a kind of construction that places an emphasis on utility over decoration. A break from more ornate and adorned residences like those in the Queen Anne, Victorian, or Gothic Revival styles is this design approach. Sharp, uncluttered lines are a common feature of modern architecture roof house design.

modern architecture roof house design emerged at a time when machine-made industrialization was replacing hand-crafted workmanship. Modern architecture roof house design builders tried to rethink construction techniques so that they were more concerned with how people lived than with aesthetics.

There are various distinguishing qualities of modern architecture roof house design because there are so many different types. These are some of the most typical, overarching characteristics that appear in several forms.

  • Neat, simple lines. These lines are often smooth, uniform, and devoid of further decoration.
  • Extensive roof overhangs Many contemporary Home Architecture Design have an emphasis on low, horizontal constructions with substantial roof overhangs.
  • Big windows and glass walls. A substantial amount of natural light enters the interior thanks to the abundant use of windows.
  • Open floor layouts with clear boundaries. Contemporary architects aspired to feature big, open floorplans with eating and living areas that flowed into one another since modern architecture roof house design emphasises form above utility.
  • Both contemporary and conventional building supplies. Steel, concrete block, iron, and glass are a few elements that are frequently used in contemporary dwellings. The inherent beauty of more Traditional house design construction materials like wood, brick, and stone was displayed in more plain ways.
  • A connection to the environment outside. Building locations and how structures will interact with the surrounding natural landscape were given considerable study.
  • Designs with an asymmetry. Large, slick forms and asymmetrical compositions with clear, unadorned lines were experimented with by modern architecture roof house design.


  • People with formal training in planning, designing, and supervising the construction of structures are known as architects.
  • Depending on the jurisdiction, a degree in architecture, passing tests, and training are all necessary.
  • technical expertise, building design expertise, and managerial expertise
  • Government for planning the development of real estate, among other things.
  • Construction, interior design, and architecture are some related professions.


  • Engineers are in charge of using their understanding of mathematics and science to provide technical solutions to problems.
  • Before they may specialise, engineers must complete a fundamental engineering curriculum. Depending on their speciality, they must pass tests and obtain a degree.
  • Mathematics, scientific understanding, and managerial abilities
  • Jobs connected to research and development include those in business, industry, and science.

What is Architectural Design?

The idea of architectural design centres on the parts or constituents of a structure. The person in charge of the architectural design is often an architect. To build a logical and practical structure, they manipulate both space and natural components.

Architectural design is a technological and aesthetic concept that involves understanding various construction materials and forms as well as creating or producing structures. In general, the architect collaborates with the structure’s internal and exterior settings, but when plans conflict with cultural norms and human preferences, the outcome is terrible.

The concepts that clients develop are fulfilled through architecture design services. In contrast to engineering, which primarily focuses on usefulness, feasibility, and design, architecture has other features.

Services for architecture design are available to include imaginative creativity and then translate it onto paper. Excellence in computer skills, legal understanding, engineering, and construction codes are requirements for this job.

Architecture describes the precise planning and arrangement of places. Construction, design, and the use of light to create shadows are just a few of the numerous components that make up architecture. Using the materials that were accessible, architects have always found a way to design places that are practical and useful.

Architecture was first created out of need. Early Egyptian and Mesopotamian architecture clearly expressed the link between humans and ancient faiths because ancient civilizations need a method to worship cherished religious deities. The majority of the structures built under the rule of ancient civilizations were designed to honour the sky. Even though there were no “architects” as we know them today when these buildings were being built, the concept of designing beautiful, useful places was prevalent.

Top 10 famous architects in the world

1. Frank Lloyd Wright | Greatest Architects / Best Architects In The World
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American architect, interior designer, author, and educator Frank Lloyd Wright created more than 1,000 projects, 532 of which were realised.

United States, Richland Center, Wisconsin, 8 June 1867

died on April 9, 1959 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Skyscraper Vase, Spindle Cube Chair, Side Chair, Armchair, Taliesin Line of Decorative Wallpapers, and Design 105 are examples of artwork.

2. Frank Gehry | Best Architecture in The World
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American architect Frank Owen Gehry, CC, was born in Canada and now calls Los Angeles home. Many of his structures, including his own home, have gained international notoriety as tourist destinations.

Toronto, Canada, 28 February 1929 (age 88)

Other works of art include a Pito water kettle, a fish lamp, and a superlight chair.

On display: Serpentine Galleries, Dallas Museum of Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Awards: Pritzker Architecture Prize, MORE

3. Le Corbusier | Greatest Architects / Best Architects In The World
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Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier, a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, and writer, is credited with being one of the forerunners of what is now known as modern architecture.

La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, on October 6, 1887, birth date

27 August 1965, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France, date of death

abstract composition, a still life with plenty of space, and MORE

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art is now on display.

4. Zaha Hadid | Cool Architects
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British architect Dame Zaha Mohammad Hadid was of Iraqi descent. In 2004, she became the first recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She was given the Stirling Prize, the most prestigious architectural honour in the UK, in 2010 and 2011.

Iraq, Baghdad, October 31, 1950, birthplace

died in Miami, Florida, USA, on March 31, 2016.

Malevich’s Tektonik, Horizontal Tektonik, London, MORE

On display: Serpentine Galleries, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, High Museum of Art Awards: Glamour Award for The Architect-In-Chief, Stirling Prize, Pritzker Architecture Prize, and the Structural Steel Design Awards

5. Norman Foster | Architects Modern
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Norman A British architect known for his work in high-tech architecture, Robert Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank, OM, HonFREng, runs the Foster + Partners firm.

Born: Reddish, Stockport, United Kingdom, 1 June 1935 (age 82).

Projects: The Imperial War Museum’s American Air Museum Duxford

Foster + Partners, in practise

Books: Reconstructing the Reichstag,

6. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | Greatest Architects / Best Architects In The World
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Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is of German and American descent. He goes by the surname Mies and was addressed as such.

Germany, Aachen, 27 March 1886, birth record

passed away in Chicago, Illinois, USA, on August 17, 1969.

Sculptures: “Barcelona,” Model MR 90 Chair, Tugendhat Chair, Armchair (MR20), Barcelona Chair, Brno Chair

Award winners include the Royal Gold Medal, the AIA Gold Medal, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Twenty-Five Year Award. On display: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

7. Santiago Calatrava | Cool Architects
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Spanish architect, structural engineer, artist, and painter Santiago Calatrava Valls is most known for his stadiums, railroad stations, and bridges supported by lone leaning pylons.

(Age 66) on July 28, 1951 in Benimàmet, Valencia, Spain

Various pieces of art, including Infinite Spirit, Times Capsule, Il Dente, Eye, Fruit, Wave, Bou, Palme, Bird I, Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts, AIA Gold Medal, and Torso Awards

8. Louis Kahn | Architects Modern
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American architect Louis Isadore Kahn worked in Philadelphia. He started his own atelier in 1935 after serving in a variety of positions for many Philadelphia-based businesses.

was born on February 20th, 1901 in Pärnu, Estonia.

United States, New York City, 17 March 1974, date of death

Philadelphia City Center, Urban, and Traffic Study

Reading material: Louis Kahn: Essential Texts, MORE

9. Renzo Piano | Best Architecture in The World
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Engineer and architect from Italy named Renzo Piano, OMRI, OMCA. His major structures include the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City, The Shard in London, and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

(Age 80) on September 14, 1937 in Pegli, Italy

Education: Milan Polytechnic University (1964)

Logbook, Renzo Piano museums, and more books

the Pritzker Architecture Prize, among other honours

10. Philip Johnson
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architects near me

Philip Cortelyou Johnson was an American architect. He is most recognised for his postmodern and modernist architectural creations, such as the Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut.

born on July 8th, 1906 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

United States, New Canaan, Connecticut, January 25, 2005, date of death

Books: Deconstructivist architecture, Architecture 1949–1965, and MORE

Awards: AIA Gold Medal, 25-Year Award, Pritzker Architecture Prize

Top 10 famous architects in India

In India, architecture is one of the most lucrative and esteemed professions. We’ve all heard tales of magnificent Architectural Design creations, but these colossal and creative structures are really the product of incredible architects, who aren’t given enough credit for their talent. In India, Architectural Design studies normally last five years to get a bachelor’s degree, followed by a year spent working as an intern in an Architectural Design company before beginning full-time employment as a professional architect. It is important to honour and appreciate all of these years of sacrifice and labour.

Indian architects have left a lasting legacy in the design of several ancient structures, including palaces, mosques, temples, buildings, and even the most basic mud huts. The Lotus Temple in Delhi and The Light Box Restroom in Mumbai are two instances of contemporary architecture, among many more, that show how many modern architects have evolved their historical and cultural Architectural Design inspirations.

It takes a lot of dedication to become an architect, thus we must honour and glorify our Indian architects as they rightfully deserve. Consequently, the list of the greatest Indian architects ever is provided below.

1. Achyut Puroshottam Kanvind

Achyut Puroshottam Kanvind, who was awarded the Padma Shri in 1974 for his work in the sciences and engineering, is an expert in the brutalist or Brutalism Architectural Design style. In 1942, he graduated from the Sir J.J. School of Arts in Mumbai with a degree in architecture. He then moved to the United States to pursue additional education.

He worked on a number of significant building design projects, including the ISKCON Temple in New Delhi and the Dudhsagar Dairy Complex, Gujarat’s largest milk processing facility.


2. B. V. Doshi

He is credited with advancing Indian architecture and is regarded as the most significant and influential architect in India. For his contributions to the field, Doshi has received several honours, including the Padma Shri in 1976 and the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2018.

Doshi is renowned for his innovative Architectural Design ideas for several structures, including the campuses of the NIFT in Delhi, the IIM in Bangalore, and the University of Udaipur.

3. Nariman Gandhi

Nariman Gandhi, who attended the same architecture school as Achyut Kavind, is regarded as a legend for his innovative designs that focused on organic building. His views and ideals were different from the dominant school of Architectural Design philosophy.

Nariman is renowned for using stone, brick, wood, glass, and leather exceptionally well in his creations, such as the renowned Dawood Shoe House in Mumbai.


4. Hafeez Contractor

Hafeez Contractor, who designed The 42 in Kolkata and The Imperial twin-towers in Mumbai, two of India’s three tallest structures, was also awarded the 2016 Padma Bhushan. After being awarded a scholarship to Columbia University, he finished his master’s degree there. He eventually created numerous towers in India.

5. Bijoy Jain

Bijoy Jain arrived to Mumbai and founded his Architectural Design business, Studio Mumbai, after working in Los Angeles and London. He is a Yale University professor of architecture and was also given the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture in 2009.

6. Urmila Eulie Chowdhury

Urmila, a trailblazing female architect active in the mid- to late 20th century, is also a brilliant academic. Among many other credentials, she has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of Sydney and a degree in ceramics from the city of Englewood in New Jersey.

After her return to India in 1951, Urmila joined the team under the direction of renowned Swiss-French architect and designer Le Corbusier for the design of Chandigarh’s building. She has collaborated on various projects including the design of specific educational institutions in Chandigarh with Pierre Jeanneret, a prominent Swiss architect.

She has published a book titled Those Were The Days in addition to her contributions to architecture and design.


7. Brinda Somaya

Brinda is regarded as a legend in the realm of architecture and is both an architect and a conservationist. She has received several honours. She received several honours, including the 2007 Wienerberger Golden Architect Award for lifetime achievement—the first woman to receive it—and the 2004 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award for her work renovating Mumbai’s St. Thomas’ Cathedral.

She earned her Master of Arts from Smith College in the United States. Among her significant works are the Goa Institute of Management and the Rajabai Clock Tower and Library Building in Mumbai.

8. Sheila Sri Prakash

As the first Indian woman to open her own Architectural Design practise in India, this remarkable woman is regarded as a pioneer. Sheila, the company’s founder, earned a degree in architecture from Chennai’s Anna University School of Architecture and Planning in 1973.

Women were discouraged from entering the field of architecture during her period, but she overcame all obstacles and received several awards, including the UN’s highest environmental honour, the Sustainability Champion of the Year award in 2019.


9. Anupama Kundoo

Anupama is an environmentalist, and her Architectural Design creations reflect this. The Technical University of Berlin awarded her a PhD in 2008.

Anupama is committed to constructing structures that minimise their negative environmental consequences by using waste materials and local communities. She launched her career as an architect in the Tamil Nadu Township of Auroville in 1990. There, she created a number of structures with water and energy-efficient infrastructure, as well as her personal Home Architecture Design, the renowned L-shaped Wall House.

10. Chitra Vishwanath

This Bangalore-based architecture, whose works are centred on ecology, is led by a principal architect who also serves as MD of Biome Environment Solutions. Chitra, who has been recognised for more than 500 projects, also constructed her own mud Home Architecture Design in Bangalore, which has unusual features including a rainwater collection system and natural ventilation provided by trees.

There are many other Indian architects who are still making their names in this lucrative industry, but these ten were the most prominent and successful.


Comparison between Architectural Design and Normal Design

There is a lot of misunderstanding over the two names and their separate commercial functions, so I thought I’d add my own perspective. The major distinction between architecture and design actually comes down to which way we face.

Architecture Design

  • A strategy for something’s structure.
  • The focus of architecture is on abstractions that may be applied to several designs.
  • There are many different types of architecture, including brand architecture, building architecture, enterprise architecture, business architecture, information architecture, data architecture, technical architecture, and animation architecture.
  • Architecture points in the direction of strategy, organisation, and abstract goals.

Noramal Design

  • A scheme to produce something
  • A design is a detailed strategy to assemble a certain item.
  • A few examples of wide design disciplines are interior design, visual design, user interface design, web design, experience design, graphic design, industrial design, product design, sustainable design, information design, organisational design, and technology design.
  • Design is oriented on application, practise, and the tangible.

Design and architecture go hand in hand. Only when both architecture and design are being used and are in the proper balance are we able to provide suitable, usable, and maintainable solutions.


That excellent architecture must span an ever-wider scope, connecting across an increasing number of areas, while still being rooted in the immediacy of everyday practise, is one of the reasons talented architects are relatively few. Designers simply need to concentrate on the current work (though it always helps if they pay attention to proven architecture principles such as re-use, re-purpose, consistency and so on).


There are many talented designers out there, and a smart architect will be able to recognise, utilise, and value their abilities. Unfortunately, even talented designers frequently see architecture as a barrier to getting the task done. Which, from that perspective, it is if the main priority is doing the task at hand without thought to the original goal or appropriateness of the effort… We need both to make sure we’re doing the right things correctly. Good design is about doing things correctly. Good architecture is about making sure we’re doing the right things.

Why do you need an architect for construction

Throughout a residential project’s existence, several decisions must be made. There are other problems to be resolved, such as figuring out the right square footage for a new room, invoicing for the power needed, looking for ideas online, or creating your own design.

At “Design Mist,” architects and interior designers discuss why hiring an architect can make any prospective Home Architecture Design project enjoyable and help you avoid unnecessary costs and design misery. There are ten good reasons to engage an architect for your Home

  1. Create designs that fit your demands and way of life.

When designing a Home Architecture Design, a customer typically has a strong picture of what he believes he needs.

It is the architect’s responsibility to hear their account and ascertain the purpose of each space in the project. The architect can create ideas and blueprints with the level of accuracy necessary to successfully express their vision, along with a proposed layout for better utilization.

Household spaces may be effectively created from scratch. However, a smart architect will find methods to make the most of the available space, provide more possibilities, and enable you to view the space in a new light as it accommodates the requirements of the lifestyle it represents. by the architect’s interpretation.


  1. Modification of the structure to fit the site.

The planet is prepared. The dreams are open and visible. So how can you design your ideal project just right? Architects can link the building to its surroundings. The atmosphere of the space of your dreams is a component of the experience we develop.

We as an “Design Mist” know how to employ access and exit, parking, power, utilities, landscaping, and many other variables that most people would not consider to create a building that reflects your vision and functions well in the available area. prior to beginning a project.


  1. Lower costs.

The architects in “DesignMist” labor to position and manage the project, as well as to keep costs within budget, in addition to positioning the structure in its planned location. This also entails long-term strategic planning for operational expenses.

Costs rise when the building grows by one square meter. We can minimize that square footage and, in turn, lower costs and put money back in your pocket if we can identify inventive ways to use space and design flexibly.

Energy-efficient architecture must always be the architect’s priority. Our objective is to significantly increase the value of your project at no additional expense by using energy-efficient design.


  1. Before you construct, know what you need.

Teams of architects can help you visualise your project using the most recent technologies before spending a lot of money on unanticipated revisions. Before expensive design errors are committed, these adjustments may be changed on paper with the help of an architect’s expertise.

Many clients see design development as follows: The architect’s task is to translate his concept into a plan to envision before making the first material purchase.


  1. Ingenious material utilisation

The role of the architect is to provide value to the chosen materials rather than to choose pricey materials. An architect will take the lead in the conversation concerning the usage of materials while planning your project.

Use materials from an existing historic structure to create a new construction. Bringing back a family relic can let people make memories in a new setting. Think about eco-friendly solutions for appliances, lighting fixtures, and energy-saving structural designs.


  1. An official who represents you and your project.

A representative is someone you have when you employ an architect. You are being heard by this representative. They are interested in your identity and your goals. Make the choice between having a personalised experience and hiring an architect or purchasing a design plan online.

The latter is something you should and may be proud of as it is particular to you. You can purchase a Home Architecture Design. An architect is not required to purchase a Home Architecture Design. You may witness how an Architecture Firms idea for your house takes shape as a result of your collaboration with them.


  1. Are you familiar with common queries and errors?

This is your living room, and this is your sofa, according to an online floor plan. “There are no walls in this living room to set your light,” an architect remarks.

We’re aware of the issues. We can build the living room to include the floor outlet at a perfect place and for 50,000 instead of installing it later for 2,000,000 because we can see the missing sections.

Architects are skilled at identifying issues. Instead of recognising these issues after it is too late, the problem that needs to be fixed is paper. We ask the appropriate questions and respond to them on paper at the appropriate time.


  1. Working together with the contractor

An architect will collaborate with your contractor to prevent overworked workers and building delays. This entails monitoring the project to prevent demolishing and rebuilding sections that may be avoided with direction.

When collaborating with the contractor, architects like our team come across as flexible, committed, and pro-active, placing the needs of the builders first. This facilitates communication between the architect and the contractor and enables agreement on timeline, expectations, and outcomes among all stakeholders engaged in the project.


  1. The business relies on relationships.

Let’s be real here. Without the expertise and assistance of an architect, a hoHome Architecture Designme project may soon become a “work”. Hire a quarterback rather than a set of blueprints if you’re dealing with an architect. Work with someone who will be the project’s gatekeeper and represent your interests in establishing the calibre and standard for the building process and the result you are going to acquire.


  1. Fun

Each Home Architecture Design project need to be enjoyable. The process of conceiving, designing, monitoring development, and finally living on the project you are constructing should be enjoyable even though decisions and finances need to be taken into account.

It’s crucial to surround yourself with the proper team that has your best interests in mind while making the most costly purchase of your life. You may rest easy knowing that architects are paving the path and completing projects you can be proud of. It is crucial to establish the correct relationships because this is likely one of the most costly items you will ever purchase. Employing an architect will cost some resources, but in return, you will receive counsel to safeguard your most extraordinary possessions. It’s a relationship-based industry, so you need a quarterback to work for you, mentor you, and oversee the undertaking.

House Design by an Architect

Everyone who self-builds has their own unique goals and expectations for the project’s outcome. Having a Home Architecture Design designed by an architect is a highly demanding and difficult procedure since it is an essential step in turning your idea into reality.


This is part of a series we’re doing at DesignMist called “Home Design: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Your Dream Home.” The three primary phases of turning a vacant building site into a well-kept job site with professionals who can effectively construct your dream house will be covered in this series.


At DesignMist, we offer a customised service to meet the demands of our customers. Building a strong working connection with our customers is essential to attaining their Self Build ambition since each project is unique and each client has specific needs.


As we believe it’s crucial to meet with all potential customers and get a sense of what their ideal house entails, this connection starts with a free initial DesignMist consultation. DesignMist can create a custom proposal that satisfies each client’s individual needs since we are familiar with how our clients live.


However, DesignMist is aware of the challenges that a novice self builder has. We make an effort to assist customers at every level of their project, providing a service that goes much beyond the preliminary design stage.


DesignMist supports and educates the Self Builder throughout the construction process, from the typical aspects of the architect’s function, such as the planning, building control, and technical drawings for the Self Build, to generating a build schedule and working with subcontractors.

Modern house design by an architect

The “DesignMist” Contemporary modern architecture house design is a fantastic method to create a magnificent, resort-like ambiance in your own house. The elegant design of this residence, which is incredibly straightforward and modernistic, wonderfully encapsulates the cultural and historic settings of the site surroundings. The combination of wood and glass against a white background creates a strong statement, and the stunning orthogonally oriented landscape serves to mimic the greatest features of nature inside the boundaries of the property itself.


Exteriors of modern architecture house design typically have rectangular shapes, flat or sloped rooflines, and extremely straight lines. modern architecture house design frequently have large glass surfaces (windows, doors, etc.), which improve energy efficiency and indoor-outdoor movement. These simple, devoid of adornment house plans frequently have a monochromatic colour palette and contrast sharply with more conventional designs, such as a red brick colonial.


A modern architecture house design floor plan may cause some individuals to squint in bewilderment, while others can’t get enough of them. It all depends on your preferences. Be aware that contemporary house plans are not the same as modern architecture house design. As was already said, contemporary Home Architecture Design plans boldly display modern architecture house design. On the other hand, modern architecture house design frequently incorporate a variety of current architectural drawings styles.


A contemporary Home Architecture Design plan, for instance, may have a woodsy Craftsman façade, a contemporary open floorplan, and a luxurious outdoor living area. Have no worry if modern architecture house design Home Architecture Design ideas are more your style. In the top navigation bar, look for the STYLES heading to see our modern architecture house design collection.

There is a lot of glass, steel, and concrete in contemporary house layouts. Open floor layouts are a defining feature of this design. They are impressive to view from the street. Our selection of modern architecture house design Home Architecture Design plans, which includes those that push the edge in a visually avant-garde approach, has some overlap with contemporary house designs.

What is an architectural firm?

Architecture Firms is the activity and end result of designing and constructing physical structures, such as buildings, for a variety of purposes. Technical, social, environmental, artistic, and utilitarian realms all overlap in this line of work. In India, where only 3000–4500 architects graduate from 180 schools each year, the present real estate boom is generating considerable demand. With 1.2 billion people in India and an estimated 40000 architects, the need is only going to increase. Due to this need, starting an Architecture Firms business might be quite profitable for an entrepreneur.


If the word “architect” or “architects” occurs anywhere in the title or description of an Architecture Firms, the firm must employ licenced Architecture Firms. However, if they do not include the terms “architect” or “architects” in their description, unlicensed individuals may give architectural drawings services without a licence in several nations.


Regardless of whether the project is educational, corporate, process/industrial, municipal, or governmental in Architecture Firms, we are well-equipped to manage the planning and design difficulties of today. We have a responsibility as a leading Architecture Firms to provide real, cost-effective technical solutions to address any design difficulty. Numerous lead qualified experts that have years of combined expertise in the design and management of sustainable construction projects make up our group.

What are Architectural Drawings?

A sketch, plan, diagram, or schematic used to communicate specific information about a structure is known as an architectural drawings. These technical building drawings are produced by designers and architects during the planning phases of a construction project.


An architectural drawings is a technical drawing that graphically expresses a building’s design, whether it is generated digitally or by hand. These architectural drawings building drawings are produced by both architects and designers as they create an architectural drawings proposal.


Every excellent artwork has a narrative to it. It pushes the user to think outside the box and to challenge the built environment’s design. Such images are works of architecture in and of themselves. It’s difficult to produce flawless architectural drawings building drawings, plans, perspectives, or sketches. To accurately and seductively convey your tale, there are a number of steps to be aware of. It’s crucial to take into account how different components, such as colours, textures, and sizes, influence how an architectural drawings is interpreted.


Use a variety of line weights and styles for architectural drawings.

The most expressive feature of an architectural drawings sketch is its lines. They are employed to outline, define, characterise, and draw in the audience. The readability and impression of the drawing will be affected if every line is uniform in appearance. Use a wide range of line styles and weights to accentuate key elements of the picture and identify depth in order to solve this problem.


For example, in a drawing, sectional walls can be identified by strong, bold lines, whereas window glazing can be shown by thinner lines. Dashed lines can also be used to represent unseen or concealed elements, such as beams.


Use the proper textures, hatches, and colours.

The texture is what makes an architectural drawings sketch truly unique. Any object gains depth, and the picture comes to life as a result. Textures may be applied to any surface, allowing them to seem soft or hard, close up or far away, and are typically used to reflect a material’s quality.

To depict movement or pattern in the design, it’s crucial to use the proper texture, hatch, or solid colour with the suitable level of opacity.


Establish the drawing’s scale

When designing a structure, one of the most important things to keep in mind is how it will function in actual use. Here’s when choosing the appropriate scale for the drawing components comes into play. Each object in a scaled picture is given the same scale in relation to reality, making it easier to imagine how each component might seem.


Building inspectors, general contractors, electricians, and plumbers all utilise architectural drawings as a reference and visual aid. Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure the designs adhere to the standard drafting scales. Additionally, the design must specify the scale, which should be chosen such that the image neatly fits on the page.


Attention to Detail | Architectural Drawings

The most important factor in describing the textures, light, and size of the artwork is often its details. They can show how a drawing has been adorned, including adding clear proportions, the proper text size and type, comments, and aesthetic touches like furniture and scenery. They may also refer to a building’s actual features or the manner in which the drawing is produced at various scales. A clear comprehension of intricate construction or design is made possible by a larger-scale portrayal of specific portions of the building drawings, referred to as detailed building drawings.

The foundation of every architectural drawings is delicate detailing, which may be used to highlight numerous important aspects of the design.


Make A Spreadsheet Layout

Often, despite the designs’ excellent readability and proper precision, the finished result falls short of expectations. Just as significant as the individual building drawings themselves is the arrangement of the drawing’s multiple components on the final page. An effective sheet arrangement in this situation.

The arrangement of the different elements in a visual hierarchy, which improves the look of the specific object and the objects as a single piece of design, determines if a layout is successful. The arrangement is crucial to ensuring that the drawing is both user-friendly and visually appealing.

What is a Modernist House?

Although many people erroneously believe that contemporary equates to the newest, modern architecture house design is actually not so “Modernist House” at all. In actuality, it all began with the advent of the intellectual movement known as “Modernist House” in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In summary, “Modernist House” has come to mean rejecting the certainty of Enlightenment thought and religious belief in the wake of the horrors of World War I and the creation of contemporary industrial society. Instead, individuals developed a greater sense of self-consciousness and began to experiment more in terms of culture and creativity. Naturally, this had an impact on both architecture and design.


The post-and-beam framework of the modern architecture house design was most frequently paired with a large, low-pitched gable or shed roof. The primary components that contributed to the architectural drawings character were exposed construction, an expressive use of modern architecture house design materials, and the inclusion of landscaped spaces, sometimes inside the house.


A house’s façade is characterised by its flat roof, clean lines, and big windows. Neutral hues, frequently a monochromatic palette with one accent colour, would be used in interior design. Large windows and an open concept floor layout would provide enough lighting. Interiors would likewise be defined by straight lines, particularly the furniture, which would also be raised above the ground to provide an airy sensation. Speaking of materials, furniture would be made of polished materials like chrome and glass, but exposed concrete, steel, plastic, and wood would also be present.


That definition of modern architecture house design, in my opinion, is fairly obvious. However, the majority of people in our area really refer to “modern” as “current contemporary,” because the present phase of contemporary design is not easily defined.


A Modernist House that mostly has minimalist, industrial, Scandinavian, and mid-century modern architecture house design characteristics with sporadic touches of other styles. That entails a Home Architecture Design or apartment with an open concept layout, the greatest possible use of substantial frameless windows, and sliding glass walls. Uncluttered living area with a floor design based on the adage “form follows function” and earthy, neutral hues that foster a serene mood. The focal points are pieces of colourful furniture or artwork in any other style. modern architecture house design technology, which elevates the living experience, and minimalist furniture that merges with the environment are my two favourite features.

Scope of Architecture office

The following are among the services that the Architecture Office must render:

  • Following the client’s requests and creating a design brief.
  • Evaluation of the site, study of the development that is already taking place, and influence on the area around it.
  • creation of the site’s design.
  • structural planning
  • Designing for sanitation, plumbing, drainage, water supply, and sewerage.
  • design, electrical, electronic, and communication systems.
  • Design for mechanical systems such as HVAC and other heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
  • escalators, lifts, etc.
  • Security systems, fire detection, and fire protection, etc.
  • inspection and assessment of construction projects on a regular basis.

The Architecture Office is required to provide services Allied fields:

  • Landscape Architecture
  • Interior Architecture
  • Architectural Conservation
  • Retrofitting of Buildings
  • Graphic Design and Signage

Schedule of services

Following consultation with the Client, the Architecture Office will provide the following services

Insights Design

  • Identify the client’s needs, look at the site’s limitations and possibilities, and then submit a design brief for the client to approve.
  • Write a report outlining the site’s appraisal, the condition of any existing structures, and the analysis and impact of current and/or projected development on the area around it.
  • Create building drawings and papers to help the client complete the project site’s extensive survey and soil study.
  • Report on the steps that must be done to reduce the negative effects of the current and/or projected development on the area around it, if any.
  • Prepare conceptual building drawings based on the provided specifications, and create an approximate cost estimate on an area basis.


Prepare preliminary building drawings, sketches, study models, etc. for the client’s approval along with a preliminary estimate of cost based on area, and modify the conceptual designs to incorporate necessary adjustments in Architecture Office.



In Architecture Office we prepare the building drawings required for the client’s or statutory approvals, making sure they comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and laws. If necessary, we may also help the client secure the appropriate statutory permissions.



Prepare working building drawings, specifications, and quantity schedules necessary to create cost estimates and tender documents, as well as a code of practise that addresses contract terms such as mode of measurement, method of payment, quality control procedures for materials and work, and other requirements.



  • Invite, receive, and evaluate bids; counsel Client on contractor selection.



  • Create and distribute working building drawings and information to ensure that the job is carried out correctly during construction.
  • ok sampling of different parts and elements.
  • Examine and accept any shop building drawings that the contractor or vendors have provided.
  • Attend conferences and meetings to ensure that the project generally proceeds in accordance with the terms of the contract, and visit the site of work at mutually convenient intervals to inspect and evaluate the Construction Works, and where necessary, clarify any decision, offer interpretation of the building drawings/specifications, and keep the Client informed and provide advice on actions.
  • The day-to-day supervision of Architecture Office will be handled by a Construction Manager in order to guarantee that the work at the site continues in line with the contract documents/building drawings and to exercise time and quality controls.
  • Give out a virtual completion certificate for the works.



  • Prepare and submit project completion reports and building drawings as needed, and help the client receive “Completion/ Occupancy Certificate” from governmental agencies as needed.
  • Two sets of as-built building drawings, with services and buildings, are available.



  • The Architecture Office shall receive professional fees and other charges in line with the Scale of Charges in exchange for the professional services he has provided.
  • Over and above the gross fees paid by the Architecture Office in connection to the services performed, the Client is responsible for paying any additional taxes imposed by law, such as Service tax, etc.



  • In accordance with the job completed, the Architecture Office will be paid a professional fee together with additional agreed-upon costs and reimbursable expenditures as follows

Role of a residential architect

Simply put, residential architecture is the process of creating domestic, non-commercial buildings and living areas. Apartment buildings, mansions, and everything in between are all examples of residential architecture. It could be contemporary or wistful. Rural or urban. eccentric or basic, anything! In a word, residential architecture is all about interpreting the demands and preferences of the Home Architecture Design into a physical manifestation of their ideal house.


It certainly goes without saying, but it’s not exactly possible or reasonable to cover every facet of residential design in a straightforward internet post. Although we’d be pleased to recommend some if you have the time, it’s a complex and varied subject better suited for volumes than quick blog articles. Do you think we’ll cover everything there is to know about the illustrious past and enormous scope of residential architecture? No chance. But what we can do is highlight some of the most important points and provide a quick definition of what “residential architecture” is.


Buildings intended for residential purposes are designed by residential architects. All single-family residences, townhomes, condos, and apartment complexes fall under this category. Architects will meet with customers to learn about their demands before starting to develop design concepts for the home. They will address any issues and improve their design through a series of meetings with the customer until the client is satisfied. They will create the blueprints required for contractors and other construction participants and prepare building drawings to scale either manually or through computer-aided design (CAD) software. Architects spend most of their time in offices, but they occasionally travel to construction sites to make sure the building plan is being followed and the project is progressing as planned. Important details about training to become a Home Architecture Design are provided in the table below.

Role of Commercial Architect

Commercial architecture is a distinct discipline of design with particular issues and methods. To put it simply, commercial architecture is architecture that is only concerned with structures and areas utilised for business. These consist of places of business, such as offices, stores, and other establishments.


Commercial architects provide plans and specifications for structures used for business purposes, including workplaces and factories, shops and malls, rail and airport terminals, hospitals, inns, and recreational facilities. Single-occupancy dwellings are the domain of residential architects; they are not designed by them. In 2020, there were over 126,700 positions for architects, and from 2020 to 2030, employment prospects are expected to increase by 3%.


Organizing With Clients

Architects consult with clients before beginning a project to learn about their needs. Architects create and provide early suggestions, which are frequently presented as sketch designs. Feasibility studies or site reports could also be included in the early proposals.

They stay in touch with the customer throughout the project and provide thorough plans, specs, budgets, and timetables. They set up meetings to address any issues that arise throughout the design or building process and give the customer progress updates.


Implementing the Design Process

Commercial architects can manage the efforts of a design team or handle all aspects of commercial architecture and design development individually. If necessary, they create scale models and intricate building drawings. The involvement of professionals such as structural engineers, electrical and plumbing engineers, lighting and interior designers, and heating and ventilation engineers is also coordinated by architects.

All design features must adhere to all applicable building, fire, and health and safety requirements, according to them. The basis for asking contractors for estimates is the exact specifications and contract documents that architects create from the approved designs.


Project Management for Architecture

Architects may provide customers advice on selecting contractors and assist in contract negotiations. Commercial architects may supervise and coordinate the work of general contractors and subcontractors during the building phase to ensure the project is completed to a high level. In order to guarantee that the project is finished on time and under budget, they create timelines, track development, and manage contracts.


A Commercial Focus

Commercial architecture differs from other types by concentrating on the demands of the client’s company. The overall plan must be developed to support the sort of business conducted within the facility and facilitate the achievement of the client’s corporate objectives.


Considering consumers while designing

Commercial architects attempt to comprehend how clients’ consumers and other stakeholders behave. Both a thorough understanding of sales psychology and knowledge with current consumer trends are necessary for this.


Taking into account Business Operations

Of fact, a portion of commercial design’s responsibilities do not include customer concern. Architects working in this field must also understand the best way to approach design for the particular facility type and commercial activities of their clients. This entails meeting the specific tools, supplies, and storage requirements of the client’s enterprise.


Types of Architects

The individuals behind the buildings that we see on a daily basis are architects. They build everything, including homes, schools, and museums. Although architects come in a wide variety of specialties and personalities, they all have the same desire for their creations to have a positive impact on society.

Commercial Architect

The most acclaimed and well-known architects frequently create stunning, city-defining highrise structures. There is a chance for projects that will define these commercial architects’ careers. However, these projects frequently include working directly with the client as well as being visible to the public. There is a lot greater pressure because any mistakes might have a lasting impact on one’s career. Commercial architects must consider the client’s unique needs and requirements as well as the much more complex legislation governing commercial properties.

Residential Architect

Residential architects are experts in creating residences for companies that build homes privately or create estates. Although it is typically thought of as a less prestigious alternative in comparison to iconic monuments and skyscrapers, many illustrious architects have also worked on residential buildings. It may be quite difficult to create a house that is both attractive and practical. For their ability to alter their ideas, local building standards and neighbourhood constraints are of special importance to residential architects. Additionally, it’s crucial that the designs can be quickly adapted to accommodate a wide range of land sizes and forms because many designs are utilised in many different projects. For house additions, residential architects are also your best choice.

Sustainable / Green Design Architect

More businesses are considering how their development will affect the environment and how much greenhouse gas it will emit during construction and operation. A sustainable design and construction approach can help in this situation. It’s critical for sustainable design to have a thorough grasp of how to lessen a building’s environmental effect. This may apply to everything from the building’s heating and lighting systems to the construction processes and materials. As a result, a sustainable architect frequently participates in the building’s development to a far greater extent than other architects.

Industrial Architect

For this reason, it is crucial that they be professionals in developing useful and effective structures. Industrial architecture specialises in the design and construction of warehouses, factories, logic centres, etc. An industrial architect must be able to comprehend the use cases for each area of the building and integrate the necessary machinery and equipment in a way that will result in the finished structure being used as efficiently as possible. Due to the intricacy of some of these projects, industrial architects frequently rely on the client’s or an industry expert’s knowledge to create the optimum plan.

Conservation Architect

Architecture includes both the creation of brand-new structures and the preservation of older ones. Similar to much of Europe, the UK possesses a large number of historically significant listed buildings. To guarantee that they can be appreciated for many years to come, it is crucial that these structures be shielded from the weather.

Conservation architects must have a thorough grasp of how to preserve structures while preserving the historic building’s original style of design. The architect must be able to comprehend and operate within the numerous limitations put on listed structures.


Landscape Architect

The need for landscape architects has never been greater because so many development projects now feature green areas like parks and pathways. These are experts at creating outdoor areas, such as public gardens, golf courses, and orchards. They will be in charge of deciding which plants are utilised and where, therefore they must have a thorough grasp of horticulture. They must comprehend which plants will thrive in the project’s environment, as well as how much room and care each one will need.

Furthermore, it is critical that these places may be developed while taking into account the prior use of the site because many green spaces are intended for regions that were formerly industrial zones.


Urban Designer

Compared to other architects, urban design specialists don’t frequently work on only one structure or project. Instead, they will focus on tasks related to municipal planning. This can entail enhancing the current city and its infrastructure in order to develop a new area. In order to guarantee that housing, commercial, and industrial space are organised sustainably and with appropriate infrastructure, not only for the present plans but also for future expansion, an urban planner will primarily focus on the zoning of the city.

Interior Architect

Many people believe that interior designers and architects perform work that is comparable, but this is not the case. The task of an interior architect is to make sure the space is utilised to its fullest. Utilizing contemporary planning and construction techniques as well as a technical comprehension of the space’s use case may be necessary to achieve this.


We’ve discussed 8 distinct sorts of architects in this blog. Hopefully, you now have a better idea of which type will work best for your project and price range. If not, don’t be concerned; our staff as a “DesignMist” is prepared to assist you with this process. There is little question that Detailed Planning can manage any size task with ease given the company’s extensive combined expertise in architectural design and planning, which spans over years. You won’t have to worry about anything architecturally related ever again since we’ll handle everything, from idea creation to construction designs. Are you prepared to begin? Contact our welcoming team right now

Best architecture firms in Bangalore

Traditional house design by architects

The Indian cityscape deviates farther and further from the great works of the past every year. Most of these Traditional house design dwelling designs may still be seen in small towns or, less commonly, in the far reaches of developing cities. You might be wondering where those beautiful homes have disappeared to and whether there’s any chance you might buy one or convince your architect to include a little bit of Traditional house design India into your Home Architecture Design if you’re searching for a house or apartment. I’m curious about the genesis of these designs, though it’s still a possibility.



When visiting Rajasthan, a vibrant state, the havelis are a must-see. A beautiful mix of Hindu Rajput and Mughal architecture can be seen in the colours, embellishments, and overall aspect of the property. Some of the peculiar and seductive architectural forms Rajasthani craftsmen produced by blending several architectural traditions are jharokhas, chattris, baodis, jaalis, and johad. The intricate craftsmanship in these beautiful buildings has made them a lure for tourists and transitory visitors that visit Rajasthani towns.



Kerala’s architecture is stunning even now. However, Kerali people take great pride in restoring antique Home Architecture Design and vintage clothing. A few of the features included the high roof, which could withstand severe rains, tall pillars, large courtyards, and gable windows.

Nature was frequently used as a source of raw resources. As a result, Traditional house design Keralan dwellings usually feature the usage of wood, stone, and clay. The number of kettus, whether it was a pathinarukettu (a sixteen-block building), an ettukettu (an eight-block structure), or a nalukettu, was another distinguishing factor (a four-block structure). Depending on the owner’s wealth and the size of the property he owned, there were additional blocks.


Tamil Nadu

Traditional house design South Indian architecture is sometimes equated with the Agrahara-style neighbourhoods seen in the state of Tamil Nadu. These Agrahara, or Agraharam, Brahmin modernist houses are regarded as a standard example of its architecture and represent the ancient Tamil dwelling, which highlights the state’s mostly Hindu heritage. The term apparently comes from how these Home Architecture Design were arranged in a community, which resembled a garland. It consists of dwellings arranged along a roadway leading to the village’s main temple, either one at either end devoted to many deities or one at the centre dedicated to a single god.



Traditional house design Tamilian architecture was focused on the heat, whilst the Assamese were worried about the seismic activity. Above all things, the word “lightweight” should be kept in mind. These lovely little modern houses, which could only be one storey high, were constructed from bamboo and wood, with thatch or metal sheets used for the roofing. The name “Ikra” for these Assamese-style modernist houses comes from the reeds used in their construction. To create the charming residences the state is known for, this method has been employed for more than two centuries, with modern architecture house design instruments being added along the way.



Bollywood movies love to include Traditional house design Punjabi households. These modern architecture house design are built in a rustic yet exquisite style and centre on an agricultural, joint family culture.

The main characteristic of a Punjabi Traditional house design layout is the courtyard, where celebrations and pujas are held. Doors going into the yards of the neighbours are also included in several of these Indian Home Architecture Design designs.



The ever-popular bungalow has its origins in colonial Bengal where the British made sure that European and Indian design was combined in these homes and was created and continued. Once more, colonial officials made use of the roomy verandah of these one-story residences as a refuge from Bengal’s hot humidity. As the majority of the structures constructed during this time period imitated the colonial-era Traditional house design, simple Corinthian columns ran along these verandahs.



Chitra Vishwanath, a specialist in sustainable design, is in charge of Biome, which emphasises climate-responsive construction, sensible resource usage, and minimal waste generation. The use of energy-efficient construction methods, the avoidance of chemically based paints and plasters, the collection of rainwater and solar energy, the preservation of local biodiversity, and the promotion of recycling and reuse are all priorities.

Works of an Architecture Company

We “DesignMist” all put a lot of effort into developing and nurturing the ideal ideas as specialists, engineers, surveyors, and estimators. We, as design architect, consider the future and think of solutions that will work there. All employees at the architecture firm “Design Mist” are treated equally, and we value individual empowerment. We constantly appreciate and support new ideas and viewpoints.


We “DesignMist” as an architecture company can’t wait to begin exploring new possibilities. Hurray! We draw, brainstorm, and envision! We think that a fun workplace may produce some real greatness. All the data we store in our thoughts is piled up on our tables. Our office is well-lit, and we understand the value of productive workplaces.


“DesignMist” has always radiated youth. Each and every team member has an interest in new and fascinating things. We put forth a lot of effort at work and recreation. We are committed to providing exceptional outcomes while upholding the highest standards of ethics.


High-quality designs are “DesignMist’s” area of expertise for all sizes and types of projects. Its unique architectural and interior design services include all aspects of the building process, including design concepts, feasibility studies, and project completion. “DesignMist” integrates all facets of a project, including concept creation, tendering, design management, construction drawings that embrace functionality to aesthetics, project economics, and maximising space, light, and form while being in harmony with a property’s natural surroundings. It then expertly manages each project from start to finish.


Every customer receives the greatest design solutions thanks to “DesignMist,” which is dedicated to producing and delivering them. By closely collaborating with customers, we continuously endeavour to create personalised solutions; the end result is always an exquisite and practical design solution that gives each particular client long-lasting delight and satisfaction.

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